A Mastercard Debit Card is much like a credit card except the money is withdrawn directly from your checking account. Your debit card also serves as an ATM card, allowing you access to cash at any number of ATM locations worldwide. With Mastercard's worldwide acceptance, it allows you to carry less cash and avoid the difficulties of writing checks when away from home.
Privileged Status provides card holders access to a wider base of surcharge-free ATM's.
Just look for the round purple and black logo with Privileged Status in the middle.
Participating ATM's in our area can be found at: PRO GO in Primghar, Cargo Express in Sutherland, plus other Banks or Convenience Stores in Hartley, Sanborn, Sheldon, Cherokee, Royal, Spencer, and Orange City.
Stop in or call us at 712-957-2615 to learn more about Privileged Status.